4 Problems Caused by Composite Decking That Can Be Solved With Porcelain Pavers

Composite decking is a popular alternative to wood decking that is made from a combination of wood and plastic. The use of composite decking has been on the rise in recent years due to its durability and low maintenance versus 100 percent natural hardwood, but it still comes with its fair share of drawbacks that make it polarizing amongst homeowners and contractors alike.

Luckily, Tile Tech’s wood-look porcelain pavers offer all the same visual and practical benefits as composite decking without the drawbacks. Here are a few of the common issues with composite decking that can be solved by using high-quality porcelain deck pavers.

Slip & Fall Risk

One of the biggest concerns with composite decking is its slippery surface, which can pose a serious safety hazard, especially when wet. Although some composite decking products come with a non-slip coating, composite decking is still much more slippery than real wood deck tiles. This is due to the fact that composite decking is made of a plastic material, which doesn’t offer the same level of traction as natural materials.

Porcelain pavers, on the other hand, are made of natural clay and are naturally extremely slip-resistant. They are also engineered with a textured surface that provides a greater level of grip. This means that you can walk safely on porcelain deck tiles even when the surface is wet, making them ideal for a wide range of outdoor applications.


Composite decking is known to absorb heat, resulting in a hot surface that can be uncomfortable to walk on, especially barefoot. This is a common problem that affects all plastic-based decking materials, as they can’t reflect the sun’s rays like natural stone or wood. As a result, composite decks can become too hot to use comfortably during the summer months.

Porcelain pavers, by contrast, stay much cooler underfoot, even in direct sunlight. This is especially true of Tile Tech’s Cool Roof deck pavers, which are specially engineered to keep surface temperatures cooler than other materials. Made with premium, ultra-white raw materials, Cool Roof pavers reflect more sunlight and absorb less heat compared to traditional roofing materials. This results in cooler surface temperatures as well as reduced heat transfer when used for rooftop applications.

Color Fading

Composite decking is often marketed as a low-maintenance solution, but this doesn’t mean it requires no maintenance at all. Over time, composite decks can start to fade and lose their color, especially if they’re constantly exposed to the sun’s UV rays. This can result in an unattractive, patchy appearance that requires regular repainting or staining to maintain its original color.

However, porcelain pavers don’t require any special maintenance to keep their vibrant color. The color of porcelain pavers is baked into the material during the manufacturing process, meaning it won’t fade even with prolonged exposure to the sun. This not only saves you time and money on maintenance, but it also ensures your deck remains stunning for years to come.

Warping & Shrinking

One of the biggest drawbacks of composite decking is its tendency to warp and shrink, especially when exposed to extreme weather conditions. This can cause unsightly gaps and uneven surfaces, making your deck look unappealing and even creating trip hazards.

Porcelain pavers, on the other hand, are not affected by temperature changes, so you won’t have to worry about warping or shrinking. They are also resistant to freeze-thaw cycles, making them a durable choice for harsh weather conditions. This means that your deck will stay level and visually perfect all year round, without the need for constant repairs or protection from the elements.

While composite decking may seem like an attractive and affordable option, it comes with a range of issues that can make your outdoor space less enjoyable. Fortunately, Tile Tech’s porcelain deck pavers offer a perfect solution to these problems while providing the same stunning natural wood appearance. To find out more about our available selection of outdoor porcelain pavers, give us a call at 888-380-5575 or fill out our online contact form today. One of our knowledgeable team members would be happy to advise you and provide you with a free catalog, product sample, or project quote.